თავდაპირველი ფაილი ((909 × 3 030 პიქსელი, ფაილის ზომა: 766 კბ, MIME ტიპი: image/jpeg))

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A21 is Cocktail Lounge in Helsinki that has been around for about 4 years, serving the best and most detailed drinks in all of Finland. The people who found the place live and breath cocktails. Now they also have a restaurant (Michelin bib gourmand rated).

A21 Dining started from the idea of integrating the art of cocktails into a dining experience. Since founding the restaurant it has gained international acclaim and also a recommendation in the Michelin guide. The bar and the kitchen bring together an innovative mix of food and drink where both pieces compliment each other.

I went to try out A21 Dining together with friends a couple days ago. The theme of the menu was Finnish archipelago. Unfortunately I had to skip half of the drinks due to medication for a persistence cough, but I have to say I have never before seen such a visual and playful presentation - each dish has a story to tell both in the ingredients and the way they are put on the plate.

Created by: Sami Paju
წყარო Flickr: A culinary journey to the Finnish archipelago
ავტორი Sami Paju
(ფაილის მეორეული გამოყენება)
This image, which was originally posted to Flickr, was uploaded to Commons using Flickr upload bot on 22 აგვისტო 2012, 14:05 by Lisa.davis. On that date, it was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the license indicated.
w:ka:Creative Commons
ეს ნამუშევარი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic ლიცენზიით.
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მიმდინარე16:27, 25 აგვისტო 2013მინიატურა 16:27, 25 აგვისტო 2013 ვერსიისთვის909×3 030 (766 კბ)Rich FarmbroughHigher resolution
14:05, 22 აგვისტო 2012მინიატურა 14:05, 22 აგვისტო 2012 ვერსიისთვის614×2 048 (649 კბ)Flickr upload botUploaded from http://flickr.com/photo/40859861@N03/7172376329 using Flickr upload bot

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