ნამუშევრის გაზიარება – ნამუშევრის კოპირება, გავრცელება და გადაცემა.
შექმნათ დაფუძნებულები – ნამუშევრის შესწორება
შემდეგი პირობებით:
მოხსენიება – თქვენ უნდა მიუთითოთ წყაროს შემქმნელი იმ გზით, რომელიც დანიშნა ავტორმა ან საავტორო უფლებების მფლობელმა. მაგრამ არა ისე, თითქოს წყაროს ავტორი მხარს გიჭერთ თქვენ ან დაუჭირა თქვენს მიერ შექმნილ ნაწარმოებს.
გავრცელება იგივე პირობებეით – თუ თქვენ ცვლით, ან ქმნით ახალ ნაშრომს ამ ნამუშევრის გამოყენებთ, თქვენ გაქვთ უფლება გაავრცელოთ იგი იგივე ან შესაბამისი ლიცენზიით, რომლითაც ვრცელდება წყარო.
2011-02-20T09:33:47Z File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske) 2753x1400 (118759 Bytes) {{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} {{Information |Description={{en|The Four Suyus of the Inca Empire. In red the Imperial Province of Chinch
2012-12-11T10:09:32Z Konstantin Burov 863x443 (1654809 Bytes) Cleansed Inkscape tags so the file now passes W3G SVG validation, converted all relative coordinates into absolute so the file is parsable by the nugsl-worldmap script again. Fixed version of the script is available at [https
2012-11-30T16:49:28Z Yug 863x443 (1654809 Bytes) [[user:Konstantin_Burov]]'s fixes. I help her/him for this upload.
2012-10-30T00:27:03Z Chipmunkdavis 863x443 (1609186 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 13:37, 14 February 2012 POV pushing, neither Moroccos recognised borders, nor its de facto ones
2011-12-18T15:06:50Z Anshulkumardhiman 1920x1080 (323987 Bytes) fixed color texture
2011-08-27T00:51:14Z Anomie 863x443 (1612580 Bytes) South Sudan has been assigned code SS, so use that code.
2011-07-30T18:04:36Z Lokal Profil 863x443 (1612578 Bytes) Minor circle related changes and remove the legacy pentagram
2011-07-08T23:26:24Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1613386 Bytes) South Sudan is free!! Hooray
2011-07-04T20:41:30Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1615589 Bytes) Restored to previous version, as SS isn't independent yet. But the code is now ready and waiting
2011-07-04T20:40:06Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1613386 Bytes) Separated South Sudan from (North) Sudan in preparation for SS independence on July 9, 2011.
2011-06-27T15:15:14Z Canuckguy 863x443 (1615589 Bytes) restored PR, set id labels for West Bank and Gaza
2011-04-01T14:09:57Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1614917 Bytes) Mayotte is now a department of France
2011-02-17T14:31:36Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1614903 Bytes) minor fixes
2011-02-13T01:43:20Z Canuckguy 863x443 (1632654 Bytes) minor fix
2011-01-17T18:12:07Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1632625 Bytes) added new class of circles, added Southern Sudan as a region within Sudan.
2011-01-15T00:06:15Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1631574 Bytes) minor fix
2011-01-14T23:51:44Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1631571 Bytes) added missing regions of the European Union
2011-01-13T14:26:50Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1631559 Bytes) minor fix
2011-01-13T14:17:57Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1631550 Bytes) added the BES Islands to the Netherladns
2011-01-07T21:02:08Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1631333 Bytes) minor fix
2011-01-07T20:55:32Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1631333 Bytes) corrected code for the circles
2011-01-06T16:44:29Z NuclearVacuum 863x443 (1208206 Bytes) removed all but 5px of whitespace, see talk page
2011-01-03T14:03:40Z NuclearVacuum 854x433 (1208195 Bytes) Curaçao and Sint Maarten have been given codes
2011-01-02T03:21:03Z Tomchen1989 854x433 (1205379 Bytes) compromised for the bug
2010-12-28T01:58:24Z Kintetsubuffalo 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) what are you talking about? nothing is cut off or squished
2010-12-28T00:28:42Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631321 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:43, 27 October 2010
2010-12-19T20:10:58Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) stroke-width of coast
2010-12-19T08:51:57Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) minor change
2010-12-16T16:14:47Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1205378 Bytes) radius of the circles changed
2010-12-14T22:57:20Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1208461 Bytes) small fixed
2010-12-14T22:36:00Z Tomchen1989 853x433 (1208830 Bytes) had outside whitespace removed; cleaned the code; used tab indent
2010-10-27T16:43:23Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1631321 Bytes) fixed as part of discussion
2010-10-24T03:54:05Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630960 Bytes) I fixed the code so it is valid
2010-10-10T22:06:16Z Canuckguy 940x477 (1630991 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 02:01, 18 September 2010 (Neth. Antilles removed, Sint Maarten and Curacao added, Bonaire part of "nl")
2010-09-18T02:01:50Z Canuckguy 940x477 (1630802 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 01:03, 9 July 2010. New version to be used October 10, 2010
2010-09-18T02:01:03Z Canuckguy 940x477 (1630991 Bytes) version with Sint Maarten and Curacao added, Bonaire as part of Netherlands, and Netherlands Antilles removed. To be used starting October 10, 2010
2010-07-09T01:03:28Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630802 Bytes) after thinking about it, I think "aa" is better for the ocean than "zz"
2010-07-07T21:49:57Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1630805 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 20:25, 7 July 2010
2010-07-07T21:49:26Z NuclearVacuum 940x477 (1629207 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 16:45, 25 June 2010
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|The Four Suyus of the Inca Empire. In red the Imperial Province of Chinchansuyu, in green Antisuyu, in blue Collasuyu, in orange Cuntisuyu.}} |Source={{Derived from|Inca_Empire.png|BlankMap-World6....
ეს ფაილი შეიცავს დამატებით ინფორმაციას, რომელიც სავარაუდოდ ამ სურათის შექმნისას გამოყენებულმა ციფრულმა კამერამ ან სკანერმა დაამატა. თუ ფაილის ორიგინალს სახე ეცვალა, ზოგიერთი დეტალი შესაძლოა მოდიფიცირებულ სურათს არ ეხამებოდეს.
მოკლე სათაური
Map of the Inca Empire, and its four Suyus, at its maximum extent