ფაილი:Roxas, Beach with trees, Sulu Sea, Palawan, Philippines.jpg

თავდაპირველი ფაილი ((4 000 × 2 667 პიქსელი, ფაილის ზომა: 6,36 მბ, MIME ტიპი: image/jpeg))

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English: Beach with trees, Sulu Sea. Palawan, an ecosystem of virgin forests, endemic species, pristine beaches and clear waters. A very special endemic place on the east side of Palawan Island close to smaller South Verde Island. This small stretch of the beach features plants and trees that are not seen anywhere else in the world! The location is unique to both Palawan and planet Earth. There are some endemic plants and trees within a boundary of only a few hundred meters of coastline and there’s no place like this along the entire east coast of Palawan north of Puerta Princesa: only around 300 to 500 meters of coastline with some beautiful mix of trees and bushes looking very bizarre. Local people from Puerta Princesa tell that this particular place has flora which is not found anywhere else in Palawan. There's lots of endemic flora on Palawan but this particular place appears to be endemic to Palawan itself. Endemic flora which are unique to specific regions present opportunities to study the past. Trees and plants always have evolved from previous populations somewhere else, but they ended up getting isolated from other populations, and then drifted to become distinct species in a group. They are not completely unique and will most often still breed with other species in the genus. This Palawan place might have had an isolated microclimate that kept it unique for thousands of years. Roxas, Palawan, Sulu Sea, Philippines.
Русский: Эндемики на морском побережье. Рохас, Палаван, Филиппины.
წყარო პირადი ნამუშევარი
ავტორი Vyacheslav Argenberg


Vyacheslav Argenberg, ამ ნამუშევარზე საავტორო უფლებების მფლობელი, ვაქვეყნებ მას შემდეგი ლიცენზიით:
w:ka:Creative Commons
ეს ფაილი ვრცელდება Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ლიცენზიით.
ავტორის მითითება: © Vyacheslav Argenberg / http://www.vascoplanet.com/
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Beach with trees, Sulu Sea. Endemic flora in Palawan, Philippines.

captured with ინგლისური

Canon PowerShot G9 ინგლისური

exposure time ინგლისური

0.0008 წამი

f-number ინგლისური


focal length ინგლისური

7.4 მილიმეტრი

ISO speed ინგლისური


media type ინგლისური


source of file ინგლისური

original creation by uploader ინგლისური

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მიმდინარე19:19, 22 მაისი 2022მინიატურა 19:19, 22 მაისი 2022 ვერსიისთვის4 000×2 667 (6,36 მბ)ArgenbergUploaded own work with UploadWizard

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